Welcome to Plankeel Counseling!
There are two kinds of problems we face in life - problems we can effectively change, and problems we learn to accept. Acceptance is no small task and change is challenging without insight and understanding. We are rarely ready to accept painful realities until we have grieved and until our grief has been met by a compassionate witness. Sometimes we aren't ready to talk about the change until we first feel understood. Here at Plankeel Counseling, we will strive to understand where you are coming from, what troubles you are facing, and ultimately what you would like to see differently at the end of treatment. We will recommend a treatment strategy that is evidence-based, and give you several different approaches - tailored to your specific needs in a collaborative partnership.
Plankeel Counseling: "Effective and Compassionate Care for Healing, Restoration, and Hope"
Plankeel Counseling, LLC; Jeffrey Plankeel, LCSW, 915 Pinon Ranch Vw Suite 2C; Colorado Springs, CO 80907,
Phone: 443-255-3748; Fax 719-453-0224; Website: www.plankeelcounseling.com